Jeff will presenting at Mass Art Film Society
When the Kosovo war devastates a young couple’s homeland, Ivan and Ivana set out for sunny California, where they hope to sink their Serbian teeth into the American Dream. As soon as their feet hit the sand, the blond and bronzed Ivana learns the ins and outs of flipping houses, while her charismatic counterpart Ivan dabbles in the convertible trade. Six years later, the pair appears content in their sun-kissed promised land. Unfortunately, the housing bubble is about to burst, and turbulent economic and personal tides are rolling in. The couple’s filmmaking friend, Jeff Silva, records their off-Hollywood tale over a ten-year period. With such a strong narrative arc to work with, Silva grants his protagonists some privacy and eschews the obvious and intimate drama. Instead, he highlights the intense emotional space that occurs immediately before and after climactic moments. The result is a riveting account of the American immigrant experience. –TW –
See more at: http://2012.doxafestival.ca/festival/films/ivan-ivana#sthash.JB6bapmV.dpuf